The Zen Studies Podcast
Dharma Talks (a bit more personal take on Dharma topics)
293 – Q&A: Veganism, Letting Thoughts Go, and Motivation for Action
In this episode I extemporaneously answer questions listeners have submitted by email, including: Why aren't Buddhist vegan if the first moral precept is "do not kill?" What does it really mean to "let go" of a thought? And: Isn't taking action - including compassionate action - always the result of being dissatisfied in some way?
read more292 – Ten Fields of Zen, Field 9 – Bodhisattva Activity: Enacting Vows to Benefit All Beings
The ninth Field of Zen Practice is Bodhisattva Activity, which is enacting vows to free all beings as well as yourself. The Bodhisattva Vows are an acknowledgment that you are interdependent with all beings and things, and such an aspiration can give a sense of purpose and direction to your whole life. Of course, it’s impossible to fulfill this vow literally, and when you try to put it into action it is no easy matter! It requires tangible engagement with the world, including other people. If you hide out in comfort, you’re unlikely to transcend self-centeredness. If you rely only on your own resources, you’re likely to exhaust yourself and limit your impact. How do you even decide what Bodhisattva Activity to undertake? There is much to be learned by practicing in this Field of Zen, which inoculates you against the delusion that you can attain true peace of mind by ignoring the suffering of others.
read more291 – Capítulo Principal del Denkoroku de Keizan: “Yo y Todos los Seres” de Shakyamuni
Category: Textos Budistas ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 291 En el Episodio 272, hablé sobre el tercer capítulo del libro del Maestro Zen Keizan,...
read more291 – Keizan’s Denkoroku Lead Chapter: Shakyamuni’s “I and All Beings”
In Episode 272, I discussed the third chapter of Zen Master Keizan’s book The Denkoroku, or the Record of the Transmission of Illumination. In the interest of thoroughness, I figured I’d start back at chapter one, with Shakyamuni Buddha’s “I and All Beings.” This text explores the nature of enlightenment and the tension between individuality and non-separation.
read more290 – Diez Campos de la Práctica Zen, Campo Ocho Realización: Experiencia Directa de la Realidad con R Mayúscula
Category: Práctica Budista. Diez Campos de la Práctica Zen ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 290 El octavo Campo de la Práctica Zen es la Realización,...
read more290 – Ten Fields of Zen, Field 8 – Realization: Direct Experience of Reality-with-a-Capital-R
The eighth Field of Zen Practice is Realization, gaining a direct, personal experience of the truth. Realization helps you respond appropriately, allowing you to live by choice instead of by karma. Even more importantly, it gives you a larger perspective that can result in equanimity, even joy. There are different levels of truth, and the Dharma – Reality-with-a-Capital-R – is the biggest truth of all. Fortunately, it is a wonderful and liberating truth to wake up to. However, it’s important to understand that there is no “Realization” you can attain that means you know everything. The truth is infinite and there is always more to awaken to and embody.
read more289 – Diez Campos de la Práctica Zen, Campo Siete – Abrir el Corazón: Autoaceptación y No Separación (2 de 2)
Category: Práctica Budista. Diez Campos de la Práctica Zen ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 289 Este episodio es la segunda mitad del séptimo...
read more289 – Ten Fields of Zen, Field 7 – Opening Your Heart: Self-Acceptance and Non-Separation (2 of 2)
This episode is the second half of the seventh chapter of my book-in-progress, The Ten Fields of Zen: A Primer for Practitioners. Listen to/read the previous episode (288) first, where I talk about the importance of Opening Your Heart and how that effort is viewed in the Buddhist tradition. In that episode I also discussed the four Brahmaviharas – goodwill, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. I finish the chapter in this episode by covering self-acceptance, practicing with the real, human relationships in your life, and Opening Your Heart in Sangha.
read more288 – Diez Campos de la Práctica Zen, Campo Siete – Abrir el Corazón: Autoaceptación y No Separación (1 de 2)
Category: Práctica Budista. Diez Campos de la Práctica Zen ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 288 El séptimo campo de la Práctica Zen es la...
read more288 – Ten Fields of Zen, Field 7 – Opening Your Heart: Self-Acceptance and Non-Separation (1 of 2)
The seventh Field of Zen Practice is Opening Your Heart. Working explicitly to open your heart not only benefits other living beings, it puts you in accord with the Dharma and supports all other aspects of your practice. You work on radical self-acceptance to make Awakening and compassion possible. You work on real and personal relationships with other beings – overcoming your social fears, becoming more willing to be seen and known, learning to be authentic, and recognizing the Buddha-Nature manifested in others. Ultimately, self and other are not separate; in practice, you seek to manifest and realize this simultaneously.
read more287 – Algunas Enseñanzas Útiles para Tiempos Tumultuosos
Category: Budismo Hoy, Enseñanzas Budistas ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 287 En tiempos de división política, muchos de nosotros buscamos...
read more287 – A Few Useful Teachings for Tumultuous Times
In a time of political divisiveness, many of us look to the three treasures of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha for solace, strength, and guidance. I offer a few Dharma teachings I have found useful for practicing in tumultuous times.
read more286 – Diez Campos de la Práctica Zen, Campo Seis – Terminando con Dukkha: Cuidando Esta Preciosa Vida (2 de 2)
Category: Práctica Budista, Diez campos de la Práctica Zen ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 286 Este episodio es la segunda parte del sexto...
read more286 – Ten Fields of Zen, Field Six – Ending Dukkha: Taking Care of this Precious Life (2 of 2)
This episode is the second part of the sixth chapter of my book-in-progress, The Ten Fields of Zen: A Primer for Practitioners. In the last episode, I offered seven points about the role of Dukkha in our life and practice and discussed the first five points. In this episode I’ll finish the discussion with points six and seven.
read more285 – Diez Campos de la Práctica Zen, Campo Seis – Terminando con Dukkha: Cuidando Esta Preciosa Vida (1 de 2)
Category: Práctica Budista, Diez campos de la Práctica Zen ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 285 El sexto Campo de la Práctica Zen es poner fin a...
read more285 – Ten Fields of Zen, Field Six – Ending Dukkha: Taking Care of this Precious Life (1 of 2)
The sixth Field of Zen Practice is ending Dukkha. While physical and emotional pain, discomfort, and longing are an inevitable part of human life, Dukkha is existential angst we add to such experiences, ranging from subtle uneasiness to acute anguish. It drives our unhealthy or harmful behaviors, so we seek to end Dukkha for the sake of self and others. Buddhism offers a holistic approach to doing this, including maximizing our overall spiritual health and working with our karma. However, Buddhism’s radical teaching is that Dukkha is a symptom of underlying spiritual illness caused by false views - so, through practice, our spiritual illness can be cured, and Dukkha ended.
read more284 – Reflexiones Sobre la Práctica Continua y el “Gyoji” de Dogen (2 de 2)
Category: Textos Budistas, Enseñanzas Zen ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 284 Es un desafío hacer que nuestra práctica del Dharma sea continua,...
read more284 – Reflections on Continuous Practice and Dogen’s “Gyoji” (2 of 2)
It’s challenging to make our Dharma practice continuous – maintaining awareness and appropriate conduct each moment of our lives. In his essay Gyoji, or “Continuous Practice,” Zen Master Dogen doesn’t offer practical tips for mindfulness and pure conduct in everyday life, but instead challenges our limited ideas about what practice is. In this episode (part 2), I continue discussing four points I think Dogen makes about Gyoji.
read more283 – Reflexiones Sobre la Práctica Continua y el “Gyoji” de Dogen (1 de 2)
Category: Textos Budistas, Enseñanzas Zen ~ Translator: Claudio Sabogal Click here for audio + English version of Episode 283 Nuestro objetivo en la práctica, es vivir de acuerdo con la...
read more283 – Reflections on Continuous Practice and Dogen’s “Gyoji” (1 of 2)
Our goal in practice is to live in accord with the truth, or the Dharma - not only while sitting in meditation or studying Buddhism, but every moment of our lives. In other words, we strive to make our practice continuous. It can be extremely challenging to maintain mindfulness and good behavior all the time. How can we make our practice more continuous? Not surprisingly, in his essay “Gyoji,” or Continuous Practice, Dogen does not give us practical tips but instead challenges our limited ideas about what practice is.
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