Hello Zen Studies Podcast listener!
I take a sabbatical from my Zen teaching one month a year, and this year it’s in August. Sorry I didn’t give you a heads-up before, I am aware that you may rely on getting your three new episodes a month from me!
In September I will be back with Part 2 of Sangha Challenges: How and Why to Open Up to the Treasure of Sangha. I’ve also gotten a couple good suggestions for future topics, including more on Dependent Co-arising, or the Twelvefold Chain of Dependent Origination, and the place of pleasurable or lighthearted things in Buddhist practice, such as humor or listening to music.
In the meantime, I am looking back over my 246 episodes to see if there are any I would recommend listening to (for the first time, or again!). One of these is Episode 7 – Beyond Mindfulness: The Radical Practice of Undivided Presence. In it, I talk about another way to approach moment by moment practice if you find the ideal of mindfulness elusive.
Thanks for listening, and thanks for letting me spend the month August on all those things I rarely get around to!